Sunday, July 08, 2007

Phew!!!!! what a week...!!

I'm all exhausted, burned...... nothing left in the veins..... monday is just 24hrs away (SUCKS!!), yet I can't remember what's coming up even when there's lots to do next week. Everybody seem to be telling me the same shit over and over again..... take a break.. yeah right!!

Its not fun anymore, and it isn't funny...... people are getting on my nerves, music has become noise, alcohol is now poison. The smoking ban is really irritating.....

Group holiday is still a month's away..... not looking forward to it...... rather have my own time somewhere else..... away from everyone.

I'm feelin' cranky........

1 comment:

Adminstrator said...

i am feeling it too... like a flat tyre... but time. completely lost it, to be honest.