Saturday, August 09, 2008

As this post is in progress, the NDP 08 is concurrently running on tv or wherever that place is. And the only reason I had to post this is because I can't believe the lack of creativity, sources, ideas and everything else for this year's NDP 08. I can't remember when was the last time that NDP was really really a bore. It is sooooooo boring and uneventful that I don't even have any picture or video to resemble such bore........ You are really living up to your name, SINGABORE..........

There was literally nothing to gawk at..... What happen to the knowledge of technology, concepts and style? Now, it really resembles the clubbing scene and other entertainment ideologies.... BORING!

Throughout the parade, all they had was boring patriotic songs and all the uniform groups. It is really looking like the North Korean National Day. And....... what the hell does the ERA property developer group involve in the march?? Water fountains and sprouts for NDP 08?? Hallo, if wanna see all that, we can go Bugis everyday la!!! Sentosa also got water fountain and fireworks every night!!

Maybe this year not enuff budget coz all the money has gone to the F1 events?? Nah....... i don't think so..... I'm sure there are tight-ass-high-ranking-muthafarkers who think that they are the 'creative' ones, fickle and waiting-for-their-friend's-advice........ just like any other people in the many companies in Singapore.

Btw, this Monday the clinics are gonna make lots of money........ the people involved in NDP are all gonna report sick, citing fever from the rain.... heheeehhe......

National Day should be celebrated in a different manner for once.......... no parades, rehearsal, traffic jams and such....... They should give a 10% tax rebate to the tax payers for contributing to nation building, No ERP for 1 week leading to 9th of August, and on 9th of August, there shouldn't be any telco charges to Singapore citizens........ and stop giving medals to old people who are dying soon....... give it to people like us who actually put Singabore in the international scene. Stop inviting old people to Istana for dinner, invite Aldrin, Yukun, Me, Rattle, Godwin, Ollie, Electrico, The Great Spy Experiment, and others like us. The government personnel should try the JagerBomb during national Day dinner....... it'll be fun. Trust me.....!!

And I don't understand why they play the U2 song - Beautiful Day during the NDP....?? They should play my song - WHO SHOOK MY WHORE...?! - Let the younger generation understand what the real world sounds like....!!

How? can or not?

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