Monday, October 01, 2007

Was talking to an uncle today about what he saw in Johore Bahru, then saw the report on newpaper and tv.........

Yesterday, a jewelry shop in JB was terrorised by 3 locals armed with parangs and a hammer. They went into the shop and started breaking all the showcase and tried to loot the items on display. Unfortunately, some people in the shop had tried helping to stop the robbers. During the scuffles and chaos, One of the robbers fell and was beaten by the locals who were there. The other 2 got away......

The funny thing was...... during the scuffle, one of the robbers had shouted and begged to stop..... and asked for the people who was beating him that he needs his inhaler as he was suffering from asthma attack. They actually stop, got him the inhaler which was in a bag, gave it to him, let him use the inhaler and continued beating him when he was done!!! They continued until the police came.

What the f*ck was that all about....?! Is that cruelty or mindful.......?? You decide. But it sure cracked me up.......

Its like..... they'll steal from Singaporeans, then give some spare change to get back across the Causeway. However, that is neither cruel or mindful.... its just plain insulting. ; /

Shit!! Its monday again!

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