Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Singapore has been known for it's success (or not) with the various national campaigns. We use to have the Courtesy campaign, Speak Mandarin campaign, Garden City campaign, Road Safety campaign, Romancing Singapore campaign and loads of others that actually made it to the World's Weirdest Campaigns.

If I may suggest...... (being a law-abiding, grump-full, brainwashed, and secluded minority citizen).... how about a campaign encouraging the inhabitants and 'habitants' of this tiny island...... to pucker-up, clean themselves up and try (if possible) to smell good. Yup..... SMELL GOOD, if not, at least tolerable to other living things around you. I've been a victim to BBO, not just Body Odour, but BAD BODY ODOUR!! It has physically and mentally affected me that some parts of my life has changed. Nowadays, I get this thing called Autodysomophobia. No, it's not a joke.

Recently, I had the opportunity to use the public transport to commute between home and work. Most times, going to work is a breeze. However, coming back, in the public transport.... that's where the symptoms start kicking in. I'm sorry I can't explain what it's all about, but I'm sure you people would understand where I'm coming from.

Just a thought...... sometimes, I see those people at MRT stations with the SECURITY vests, standing at their counter. Isn't it part of their job to secure the subways of all threats, domestic or foreign....... ALL threats!! Be it physical or mental...... I think 'body odour' comes under mental AND physical threat. Sometimes, I see those MRT staff in the trains.... those in red uniforms and white gloves. What are they there for?? To usher people to their seats? How about consolidating those with BO into a different carriage?

On a different note, are the roll-ons or cologne or parfumes getting too expensive that people are excusing themselves from smelling good. Maybe, all these scented products doesn't work in our humidity? Maybe someone should invent a cologne or parfume for people in humid countries? Or maybe, there are too many types or brands of such products that people get confuse, and end up not buying any??

Once, I was at Mustafa Ctr at 2am with the Mrs. While she was browsing for DVDs, I was watching a group of Ah Neh (visitors) trying to choose from a range of body sprays. There were signs that says......"Body Spray - 3 for $5!" As I can see from where I was standing, there was only 3 different types seperated by colour, blue, red and green. Those Ah Nehs (5 of them) were in an intense conversation and at times, it looks like they were arguing...... as to which 3 they are gonna pick. This fracas when on for nearly 15mins, which end up with them walking away without buying the body sprays. I wonder if it was the price (3 for $5) that was bugging them, or was it because they couldn't find a scent with the colour brown....?! God knows..??

I should have recorded the session.

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