Saturday, July 31, 2010

High on Controllerism

Few weeks back I posted about the availability of the Reloop Digital Jockey 2 IE on the Embrace pages and a few other forums. The response was unexpectedly overwhelming and fast that we ran out of the controller in 3 days. No thanks to the people in Jakarta as they bought all the 15pcs of excess stocks.

Apparently, the jocks in Jakarta are fast getting into the digital set-ups. To them, having the versatility of playing with analog and digital is a commendable trait. Unfortunately, that can't be said the same way here. Some people here, detest DJs playing with softwares or digital set-ups. They will only make friends or allow other DJs to be part of their 'circle of trust' only if you're purely vinyl or CD. Well, it's alright. I detest boys smelling other boy's bootie...... whatever suit your style, aite. (btw, to those boys..... if you wanna smell my vinyl collection, let mw know, aite....)

Anyway, this morning I got a couple of emails from potential customers threatening to buy the out-of-stock controllers from other dealers. In fact, they even asked for big discounts because they, as customers, have been waiting for 2 weeks for the new stocks to arrive and they demand their 'rights'!!

Frankly, I'm really sorry that the stocks are late as it has to be shipped down from Germany and go through all the unnecessary red-tapes. I know how it feels..... 'the agony of waiting!' If I may, I would definitely throw in some freebies or something to pacify the addiction. On a different note, I don't remember Apple giving discounts to it's customers when iPad goes out-of-stock and we all have to wait for another month or two?? Oh, wait a minute..... we're not Apple. But then again......... ;-)

So there it is...... the new stocks will not be in for another few days. Either you guys wait, or, go get it from another dealer. Be prepared to pay $200 more, work with an older firmware, and, keep my mobile number coz you need to call me for after-sales support......... coz they will not give you any.

Some asked why I'm being too nice to these boys (who are my customers). The younger generation need support from seasoned people like us. Its a pity to see them get scounded by dealers whose only interest is to get rid of their stock, without offering any advise or support.

Come for a visit, you'll understand why it's not a retail shop........ it is the EMBRACE Showroom.

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