Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Today, as I was breaking fast, I had my mind on the YOG volunteers. Not all, but the local volunteers....... especially those who had to 'volunteer' out of their own free will. Yeah, we know that many of the volunteers had to do it or risk having their grades, testimonial or course results being compromised.

I was wondering how they were today. Whether they have eaten, how much has the food improved, etc. It is no secret that some of the international delegates behave in unacceptable manner and treat our volunteers like slaves. They know as host nations, our volunteers are held hostage to any of their request, in return of just a simple smile and an appreciative gesture. I was told, only a handful of these athletes are like that.... and those are the ones from the smaller African countries.

I wonder if they know who Kunta Kinte is ..........??

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