Friday, September 17, 2010


Many years back, when I had the time to do some visiting to friend's house during the festive season. We would go out in big groups, taking turns to visit each other's house. I remembered clearly about an incident in one of our friend's house, who's a girl. She was a mutual friend who was dating one of my mates. I remembered she had a very strict father and when we visited her house, her father was literally interrogating all the guys.

Well, I actually remembered clearly her father's conversation with me.

Father : You with the 'mop' hair!! (that time, I had dreadlocks) : What do you do? Are you even working?

Me : Yes, I am a DJ ( I said proudly) I work in Bangkok, and I'm back for Hari Raya.

Father : DJ??...... hahahahaah (the kind of laughter that you'd get from The Count in Sesame Street)

(We all looked surprised and puzzled at his response.... then he continued)

Father : Please la, boy. That's not a job. That's like "kerja main-main" (playful work). : Better go find a proper job. How are you gonna marry someone and feed someone's daughter??

Anyway, that was long ago. In fact, there have been many people who has the impression of my work as "main-main" (playful). Maybe, due to the nature of the job scope, the environment and the people around us. I've never given much thought about it. However, this 'kerja main-main' has helped me put a roof over my family, help feed my family and many others, brought me halfway across the world and experience things that many could only dream of.

Looking back at 'that' friend..... she actually married a teacher. Unfortunately, their marriage didn't last long, and last I heard, the marriage failed due to each other's high expectations and living above their means. As for me, I'm fortunate enough to still be able to roam freely without any restrictions, commitment nor bind-ed by any contract, without involving other parties. That's how things is for me, a Sagittarius. Like the book of Astrologers said - let the stallion gallop freely, for it will return home when he is not saddled.

The moral of the story is .................. don't eat too much rendang and ketupat during hari raya, coz your mind will wander to places you don't want to be.

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