Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Is it hard to be nice....?

I know that we live in very stressful environment. Stressful for the brain, body and at times for the pockets. Being stressful also means that the mood is always in zone where there's full of minefields. The wrong step would not only kill u, but put u in stressful death. However, does it make us more stressful to be nice to other people...? regardless of race, language and religion....?(yeah.... just like in primary school.) I know I sound like a preacher, but, ...... IS IT REALLY HARD TO BE NICE TO OTHER HUMAN BEING...??

here are some of my recent encounters.....

waiter : can i clear your plate?
my friend: of coz... you waiting for me to eat the empty plate also....?
(why can't he/she just say thank you....?)

cabbie : which way would u like to go? (asking for choice of directions)
my friend: anyway as long I get there safe.
(5 mins later)
my friend: which way are you going? why you go by a further distance?
cabbie :this is a faster way. the other way got traffic jam.
my friend: No!! go the other way!! I pay you to drive!!

(in a boutique, we were browsing)
salesgirl : hi, can I help?
my friend : yeah sure. you can help by not coming near me again. you'll know when I need help!

(in another restaurant)
waiter : how would u like your meat to be?
my friend: cooked and edible....??

Sometimes, I think we should stop being a smart-ass. Its not smart at all. maybe we think that because we're paying for something, it gives us the right to give others a hard time. Does wealth and status give us the right to be an ass-hole? YES!! (that's what my friend says)

Well, whatever it is, I hope someday my friend will never lose the status and wealth, and not feel what 'not-nice' is all about. why? coz its not gonna be pleasant...?

I don't think that I'm a nice person.... but at least I'm thoughtful of others around me.... thats why I'm quiet most of the time.(u guys know, right)

Ya, I know my post is not funny anymore...... i'm in the mid-life crisis mode......

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