Saturday, December 09, 2006

its been a few days since I 'bitch' on something... well, it has been a hectic week and its gonna get worse for the next 4 weeks. I'm in a foul mood, yet I'm very optimistic about the new year.

we just had the Hennessy Artistry party last night at dbl 0. nothing much to brag.... wish I could have it my way, or at least listen to my ideas. the same party they had in US had Kanye West at main act, we had Chinese opera, chinese orchestra, tango dancers, rappers and more crappy dancers. Oh well, its over. Next week...... launch party of Tuborg.......SIGH!!!!!!!

More parties coming up this week and I'm rushing for the new club (former Liquid Room) hasn't had any sleep, my phone is dead... all three phones 'kaput'!! Nokia, Motorola, Sony Eriksson..... all crap!!! iPod keep giving problems....... staff being calculative, DJs being forgetful, my main man is away for the whole week.... damn!! its not a good week....

If there's any consolation, Mel came to visit us last night with a new 'friend'. Somehow I find it weird when he ask me to down the bottle of Guiness coz we haven't seen each other for more than a month....!!???.... WOW!! thats so Canto club!! dats so.... oh.... I forgot ..... he's fav place is now DragonFly!! .....and Mel, if you're reading, that Buddhist monk who said we're gonna be world-famous and succesful..... can you ask him for a date..?? I'm running out of time.... need to be a millionaire before 35.

Anyway, its good to see him... and the rest of the guys... and to those who actually partied and like the music during my set.... thank you for staying... and..... the Hennessy actually helps......

Tonight's Zoukout...... so wat?? was there last year with Mr & Mrs Benjamin and Sophie..... nothing great..... I remembered Benjamin laughed so hard when Nick Warren missed his beats... hahahahah..... Nick Warren 'chiao beat'!! I would really like to watch Keri Chandler perform tonight.... but.... nah!! prefer waiting for George Benson in january....

this post is so BORING......!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude...I thought you and me have the same birth year? so that makes us ermmmm...36 next