Sunday, February 21, 2010

Excuse my ignorance but why do they need to bastardize the original song for the new generation of artistes? Can't they come out with a new song and call it their own? Personally, I find the new version is lifeless and got no SOUL. For a song like this, SOUL and emotions come from the voices and and not the looks of the artistes or video clips. What's with having Kanye West in the group? He certainly don't deserve it. And the young boy who started the first verse.....?? What a shame. The list of 'white-artistes' don't deserve to be there except for Pink. If you were to compare with the old version, even Kenny Rogers and Bruce Springsteen fare much better.

It is unfortunate that all the good music was made in the 80's and early 90's. All the technology we have now and unlimited access to knowledge can't even contribute a new song for such event?

WE ARE THE WORLD was USA for AFRICA, Band Aid was from British & Irish musicians for Ethiopia. Maybe someday, the rest of the world should come together and make a song for the USA. Something to tell them that they should mind their own business, or stop making other countries fight and then capitalize on them when they go to war. USA will go bankrupt if they world is a peace.

What if the USA was a little kid in kindergaten and nobody wants to be his friend coz he was such a kaypoh and trouble-maker. I'm sure he is gonna grow up and become a serial-killer............. Oooppsss, nightmare became reality.

Anyway, here's a good song written by 'them' for their leader......

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