Saturday, August 18, 2007

..... today I woke up to a beautiful weather.. it was cooling, slight drizzle, and with a distinctive ray of light..... but still feeling tired after a long day, yesterday. Thank you to Ben for coming down and share a bit of my 'joy' of music. Its been awhile, and the vinyls were dusty.... but I'm Lovin' It!!

Speaking of 'ray of light'..... got a pleasant call from Sri Lanka and Perth. Not gonna say much but 'everything' is on track. Hoping for the best.... like they say.... HOPE IS A GOOD THING.

Tmw this time, I'll be in Khao San with my Bangkok boys. Its a company retreat, but I'm sure there'll be more work than play. Not sure if I like the "FLOATING WATER RESTAURANT"..... but I'm looking forward to creating 'fire' on the FLOATING RESTAURANT..... heh!

Need to go pack the empty bag, and change some Thai baht...... weather still nice and cooling.... I HOPE the its gonna be a better day...... even though the FREELOADERS coming again tonight.... i'm still hoping for a good day.

ermmmm..... today, I want 'table for 12'.... me and my 11 imaginary friends!!


Adminstrator said...

Volka or Two Box?

razaq said...


Benesia said...

No problems and You have a good trip... ;)

Adminstrator said...

He spelt your name on the captain's order as "Rajak". He's improving. He down to ONE wrong letter now.

"Jim Toxic"