Tuesday, August 14, 2007

With reference to the 'private' messages, emails, sms-s, and phone calls....... Here are some answers to the questions..... regarding the SUPERHERO postings........ thank you to all who have subscribe or downloaded the video..... and all the hits I've been getting..... hoped it had put a smile on some of your faces........

1. Is it itchy.....? (Nope.... but this is! )
go for Brazilian......

2. What's under the tights....?
(ermm.... one-eyed-snake?)

3. (from the boys) .... dude, you have big c*ck!!! -
(No I don't, but my friend does....)

4. I'd do anything if you take off the "SuperHero" suit...
(Really?!..... would you do this..?)

At this very moment, I'm putting together the final touches of my own version of the MTV "UMBRELLA" by Rihanna.... not telling wats gonna happen.... I'm just gonna leave it to your imagination.......

Hint: We'll be doing some shots and editing in a Bangkok studio...... I'll put it up next week.

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