Sunday, January 31, 2010


Recently, I notice that there's an influx of fan clubs. Not only in FACEBOOK, but nearly everybody networking portal in cyber is trying to capitalize on this fad. Seriously, I think it is unfair to the other clubs, or maybe I don't understand why, suddenly, people are excited to join FAN clubs. What actually happen to the other clubs like, Oprah Book Club, Police Boys Club, Turf Club, Orchid Country Club, etc...... Why the sudden interest with fans??! In fact, why is a fan club so special than a golf club. I had to Google the net for a proper definition of a fan.....

Damn....... are we getting over-educated or what??!! A club for "FILE AREA NETWORK"..??? No shit this crap is heavy-duty, man!! "FREE AMINO NITROGEN" club...??!! WTF!! I'm feeling very left-out. I feel cheated coz my teacher didn't teach me about these things. Now, everybody is joining these clubs...... and I don't even know what it means.

However, I notice that there many nice people in FACEBOOK. Despite of me being ignorant of these clubs, some of them have gracefully invited me to join their FAN Club.

if you're hot, join a fan club

To all of them, thank you very much for the kind gesture. In due time, I will definitely join these clubs, which is after I understand what is it all about. It's just that, I want to make sure which kind of FAN I wanna be. The "FREE AMINO NITROGEN" club sounds cool, but I don't want to associated with any terrorist group (shit sounds like weapons of mass destruction).

Now, I gotta go find myself a fan...... it's freakin' hot here in the woods.

In the meantime, Chingay Party is coming...... they need more fan-man.

P.S. - Does Chingay means "China Gay"?? (.... which means Happy China). In LA, they have a sub-ethnic group of the Hispanics, called Gaytinos. Is this the same??

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