Thursday, January 18, 2007

its been a freaky day.....

1. I woke up hearing Tarzan howling in my ear... (it was my phone's alarm tone)

2. Couldn't get the motorbike working... found out that the piston jammed!! damnit!... that means $$$$$$$.....

3. Hop on a cab to Gallery hotel for a presentation with the group's EXCO. taxi driver asked me...."you must me a musician?" I asked why did he say that? He said my hair and my glasses made me look like a musician.... (Huh??!!).. - Uncle, so early in the morning u take subutex oredi, ar???

4. During the presentation, a mosquito bit my forehead. Now, it looks like I have a hickey right in the middle of the forehead... and it HURTS!! ITCHY AND PAIN!!

5. at 3pm, got call from Mom. she's in the A&E with my sister. Lil' sis was sent to hospital, suspected of kidney infection!! damn!! I hope its just an infection. Now, she's warded and this big brother got to this and that and this and that...bla bla bla.

6. at 6pm, went to Gary Callicott's farewell party. He introduced to me his friend from LA, a music producer, DJ and sound engineer, who has worked with Seal, Bryan Adams, bla bla bla... now he wants to shift to Singapore and do the same thing...and expect to earn the same amount of money???!!! siao ang moh!!

7. A girl (whom I don't know - and looks lke super ah lian) came to the console and commented about the Tektile CD. (she got it from buying the Carlsberg bucket promo) She said the music was cool.... and .... she said "the 4th track is nice, but would be better if got someone sing. It sounds like Retro music."... wtf!! I realised that it was Yukun's track!! I was so amazed at how ignorant some people are. at the same time, it was funny...hahahahahahhahahaha
Yukun would slap himself if he was there lisening to the girl!!!

8. Left the club at 11.30pm, went down to carpark and freakout!! I thought someone stole my bike. Realised it's dead, left in the carpark at the apt... Someone just told me .. Go get a car!!

You know what..? only stupid people drive in Singapore..... show-offs!! lazy asses, posers and stuck-up-mercedes-muthafarkers!! traffic light every 50 metres, traffic jams, over-priced metals, ERP in every corners, bla, bla, bla... anyway, I don't like to drive, I like to be driven.

GOOD NIGHT, FOLKS! SWEET DREAMS. I hope tmw will be a better day.....

p.s. Some weird dude in rubber suits borrowed my car, but never return it back. if you see the car please call me at 6-225-5632.

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