Saturday, February 16, 2008

Be a Man!! Do the Right Thing!!

It could be just a joke from Russel Peters, but the real fact is...... It's a very strong message that needs attention. Nevertheless, whatever that you've done, shouldn't be regretted.

Being a man may not be as hard, to do the right thing; is just a choice. However, to Be A MAN AND DO THE RIGHT THING - its a whole other thing...... To stand up and be a man was never easy. How many of us can look into a person's eye and say SORRY. Can we look into the mirror and say, "I shouldn't have done that to ......". How many times do we say "THANK YOU" in a day...... Is it really necessary to glorify hatred? I'm sure there are better things to do than all of the above.

One thing for sure, being a man means you need to be able to accept the facts of life and move on. Winners or Losers are insignificant. Only real person stands out. Let truth be told....... there are no Best of....... no Biggest in......... no Prettiest, no such thing. Everytime we think that we're the best, there's always someone better 100m away. Yeah, it sounds funny, but that's exactly what it is.......

How do we live or sleep at night, swallow our food and smell the flowers, when we say words of hatred about the people who help us, supported and gave us ways and means to live our everyday lives? If its really bad....... why can't we stand up, be a man and do the right thing. Why can't we just leave and search for a better pasture. Like the saying, the grass is greener on the other side. Are we always so clever, intelligent that we are making use of others? Have we ever thought that maybe, others are actually making use of us. If that is the case, we've got to stand up, be a man and do the right thing.

Why do we speak highly of our opponents, yet afraid to be part of them. Is that a sign of intelligence or just plain coward...... for not being able to BE A MAN, and DO THE RIGHT THING....!

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