Saturday, March 01, 2008

Hey! Hey! Hey!

For those of you who owns an iPod, and, is an avid collector of mixtape of various genres of music, please direct your attention to our podcast site. Subscribe to our podcast and you'll have all the music for free. No more CDs to give away, sleeves to print. Its our bid to save the environment, save the rainforest, save the whale and "save the cheerleader, save the world...."

If you don't own an iPod, download the mixtapes into your PC/Mac, and upload to any of your preferred media player. If you're not sure how to do it...... have a shot of JagerBomb, everything will come naturally.

In the meantime, a reminder to all, if you injured your leg, or have a cramp, do not walk at night. Chances are.... you may be stopped by the local authorities for trying to impersonate some fugitive which they STILL haven't caught yet. With all the technologies that we have, the escaped convict is still at large............

It reminds me of an incident which happened some time ago..... Remember the story where the Americans manage to find Saddam Hussein even though he's hiding 200m underground in a secret bunker, but they still can't find the killer who shot TuPac Shakur in the middle of the Las Vegas strip........


The RSAF fighter pilots have just been activated to join in the hunt for the FUGITIVE!! I'm sure you've heard of all the jets flying around today........

Fighter pilots activated?? show off........ so free meh? Activate the Apache Heli-crew la...... I wanna see the helicopter go 360'degrees.

If by tomorrow still not caught, they should activate the Jeffrey Cheung models......

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