Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I'm not sure if its me or the surroundings.... or someone sitting in the 'white house' is high on something....?? 2 weeks ago, they started a new ruling for taxi commuters and taxi drivers..... not sure if it got something to do with the escaped convict, nation's safety, or Total Defence..... not sure who's gonna benefit from all these.

Few months ago, they raised the taxi charges to encourage more taxis on the road, for us the commuters. Now that the taxi drivers have earned more, not many of them wanna drive more. That leaves us the commuters with shortage of taxis, especially at night. Thanks for that!!

Now....... you can't hail or alight anywhere in the CBD except at a taxi point or private driveway. Even that, at a taxi point for 3 taxis, and you're in the 4th taxi waiting to get off with 3 empty taxis in front of you, you're not allowed to alight...... until your taxi gets into the allocated spot....... confusing?? Try asking the taxi drivers........

Last week a Cisco officer tried to fine a taxi driver when the passenger alights before the taxi point. Whose fault is it? Taxi driver? Passenger? Why don't don't you decide and think about it?

I wonder what were they smoking in there...... at that building opposite Boat Quay. Now that cigarette prices have been increased..... what are they smoking???!! it must have been 'working' really well, especially when they came out with such rulings........

Or...... did they had 'space cakes' before starting their morning sessions....??!

Gimme some......

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