Saturday, April 21, 2007

Bloody Moron!!! why does some people are such a bloody moron!!........ why does some people try speaking with Ang Moh accent, yet cannot understand english!!......... We have said 3 times that we don't bloody have any rock music or any 70s music..... yet you keep bloody asking!!!

Nobody asked you to come into the club, nobody tell you how to dress up.... so, don't tell us that the music is wrong. Before you even start talking, please understand what you are talking about first.....!! No Rock music!! not that we don't want to play..... we don't bloody have the materials, MORON!

After this, there's gonna be another moron asking for RnB!! Trust me!!

If don't like the music, get out and save yourself some trouble..... and money.

Once again, we are not playing Techno music. If you don't know, please ask. We're not trying to teach you..... obviously, you're too oblivious to the surrounding to even understand what's happening.


Adminstrator said...

Well... the rock music the white dude wanted was...

"you've got deep purple? no? how about bad company? no? how about rainbow? no too? i've got them in my car."


razaq said...

"why don't you go listen in your car...."