Sunday, April 08, 2007

Ladies and Gentlemen,

its time for a drink.....!! we just had our first fight at the club!!..... as they say... If the club has a fight in the first 3 months, its bound for great success!!!!! just in case you people wondering what was the fight for....? its not about women, staring or even case of wrong identity....... guess wat??
It was because..... some muthaf*cker pee-ed at the club's bridge....( if u 've been here, you would know where)So much for being the 'beautiful' people..... models and such..... got no manners, no pride...
Don't blame the alcohol, man! IF you're stupid and ignorant..... that's what you are!! Lucky thing that his friends was the one who 'handled' him.... if it was our 'piranhas'....... things could get really really bad....... I mean.... "SOMEBODY GOTTA HURT REAL BAD......." don't know who, but somebody.......


Adminstrator said...

pee brain... geddit?

Adminstrator said...

"waiter, there's a pee / pea / fly in my soup".

insider joke no. 2

razaq said...

hahahahahah..... buto sama dia! BUTO!