Friday, April 20, 2007

Today, I concluded that the education system that we brag so much here is actually a big CRAP!! the teachers are crap....... no wonder not many wanna be a teacher.

We found out that a few guys that we know, doesn't actually understand what is ham, pork, bacon and Babi!! They were not thought about it in school!

This is what happened.......

Had an event where finger food was served. Some had pork, bacon or ham in it...... Then, there were a group of Malay boys who wanted to try the food. They started to point at some and said, "this one cannot eat - got pork. this one can eat, its ham."

I asked why can't eat pork but can eat ham....? the Malay guy said, "....pork is Babi (pig), not halal.......". I asked again, "..... so what is ham?" he look confused.

I said to him, "..... pork, bacon and ham come from pig... all not halal. and, ham is not Hamster."

The malay guy said, " IS IT??!!" (with a shocked face)




See the difference in size.......??

Do you still blame the teachers, education system, students, tv, MacDonald's or ..............??

Dude, you're in deep shit!

(this post was modified to protect the ignorance of mankind)


Benesia said...

You almost got me there too... Wahahaha...

Adminstrator said...

This incident REALLY took place at the club's kitchen.

*cross my heart*

Faz said...

Dude, did you like slap the guy on the back of his head? I'd like to meet that malay guy and slap him around a bit... pains me to know such people exist... next thing you know he'll say lard comes from sunflower. DUH!