Sunday, April 22, 2007

Today is World Earth Day. Organisations and groups of people who celebrate this day, make efforts to save the environment. Be it planting more trees, re-cycling products, etc..... In Singapore, we celebrated this day by paying extra dollars for plastic bags or shopping carriers. Whether its good or not, we'll let the aunties and ah sohs in the market talk about it.... for me.... I did my part on saving the earth...... Today, I will not give waste to the earth, and will not try pollute the earth with my 'toxic' gas. No, I'm not joking. I have not been to the toilet nor polluting the environment........

Tomorrow, if I don't go to the toilet before work..... I'll make sure the colleagues in the office share the same 'toxic' air!! And hopefully, I can share again with the events people at ACM.


Adminstrator said...

I bring butt plug for you...

P@T said...

thanks hor .. if u try then we throw u down into Singapore River