Friday, April 18, 2008

My apologies to all my blog-fans....... haven't been able to post anything past few days. Hasn't been in proper state of mind, body and soul. I know some of you have been wanting to ask, but don't hv the balls to do so.........

Anyways, I'm also in the mist of improving this blog-site. Soon, not only that you can read, see videos and photos...... you'll also be able to hear me talk-cock & crap the hell out of your brain. It'll be more like my own talk show with music and stuffs....... If you're familiar with Mr Brown, you know what I'm talking about. Maybe that way, you'll hear whether I'm talking crap, bull-shitting, complaining, drunk, serious, horny or just high on something.

Due to parental broadcasting rights, I'm not allowed to post videos of myself...... only voices are allowed. This is to safeguard the minds of the younger future.

Btw, in my next job application, under the COMPUTER KNOWLEDGE box....... I'm gonna put,

Facebook, Blogger, Serato Scratch 'Live', Tagged,, Redtube, Youtube,

Under driving license........

Traktor Scratch, my mother........ (Traktor Scratch - insider joke)(my mother - I can drive my mom crazy with my attitude)

Today I bid farewell to my partner-in-crime at EM Studio. Some people ask, "so you not working with him anymore...?" ..... how you all know we don't have plans outside this 'circle'? what make you think that we'd rather sit and talk shit...... watch this space..... and the empty space around you.  When something really happens...... don't act surprise.  Magic only happens when you have intelligent people around..........

1 comment:

Adminstrator said...

We have plans... to take over the world and have a stable full of punanis.

Cheers for the past year... it had it's moments.

Oh... dun forget "podcasting" in the application also.


*achmed the tourist terrorist*