Tuesday, April 22, 2008

There was this prostitute who had three different rates based on the following three conditions:

1. $10.00 to have sex on the grass.
2. $20.00 to have sex on the couch.
3. $30.00 to have sex on the bed.

One day, a Mexican approaches the prostitute and slaps a $10 bill on the table. They proceed to have sex on the grass.
Later that day, an American approaches the prostitute and slaps a $20 bill on the table. They proceed to have sex on the couch.
Still later that day, an INDIAN man approaches the prostitute and slaps $30 on the table. Excited to see such a big spender, the prostitute said, "Finally, a guy with class..."
The Indian responds, "Class my ass... three times on the grass. "

"a smile goes a long way....."

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