Sunday, April 01, 2007

here are some questions that I got during the weekend at eM ..........

1. Hi...... are you Yukun? (yukun standing 3 feet away......)
2. Can you play RnB with House? (new music genre that we have yet to discover)
3. Can you play Clinic music? (which clinic? kelantan rd clinic, EYE clinic, TB clinic)
4. Can you play some electro, like White Horse or The Clash? (is dat all?)
5. Can you go harder? (from Carbonara to me...)
6. Can you not go too hard? (from Carbonara to Yukun...)
7. Are you gay? (from .......)
8. What are you doing here behind the console? (...duh?!)

Question of the week......



Adminstrator said...

Chicken Little? Are you kidding me? *muffled laugh*

Maybe that's not too bad an idea... open a kids-only club and play kiddy music. sure make money... first of it's kind!

Erm... we did play "clinic" music, i.e. everything and anything from the House genre... so errr... how? :p

Not too hard, not too soft... middle boiled can? :p

anyway, it was a barrel of laughs. fun night anyway... give me reason to slowly venture away from the "stereo-typing".

p/s can you play "retro techno"? now, i kena that a while ago. go figure... Dr Alban? Culture Beat? Snap? Hmmmm!

razaq said...

"retro techno" - no shit! we were talking abt it!

Technotronic - Get Up!

retro techno, RnB house... wat else? bring it on!!

razaq said...

the guy with the 'dirty dancing' couple asked for the 'chicken little' song....

Adminstrator said...

really? to be honest... if i had it, i would play it and then turn the spot light on and see how they dance to a kid's song. Not being mean. juz VERY curious!

"commercial underground"... a termed coined by a certain Mr. Foo in a newpaper article a while back.

P@T said...

RNB with HOUSE .. haha .. i actually do play those :)