Saturday, December 08, 2007


WTF!..... 8 missed call, 12 smses..... what a way to wake up on a Saturday morning.... Everything is bizarrely haywire today...... all the events we had today COCK-UP!! what's worse..... all cock-up by AV dept. In simple English, that's my SHIT!!

For the past 6 years, not once have I fumble any event. Unfortunately, for the past 2 months, 2 events went busted due to irresponsibility coming from my own boys! There's too much talking, now is the time to put it into action. You farkers take my leniency as a sign of weakness??

Be a man, do the right thing....... Gimme your letters if you can't cope.

Not in a farking mood to work, be at work or think about work. If you think your WORK sucks, try having to drink while working, take unnecessary criticism, tolerating ignorants who's always in a wrong environment.

To put matters worst, I'm not feeling well after the shots of whatever that came last night. The best thing to do for everyone is to stay away so as not to get infected by the attitude as its as cancerous as it can get.......

Btw, as this post is being written, I'm watching the 'live' telecast of the SEA Games Soccer match between Singapore & Malaysia....*YAWN* , and we just missed a penalty. Rather watch the netball match, women's swimming and gymnastics. So much for Team Singapore...

Gonna go back to sleep.... and hope to feel better.

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