Monday, January 14, 2008

ENGLISH Lesson for Idiots.

I don't understand it why people get so intimidated when commented that "they seem gay...."Realistically, there's nothing wrong about it. I didn't say you're homosexual, I said you're gay. Understand the meaning before getting all worked up.

[gey] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, -er, -est, noun, adverb –adjective
1.having or showing a merry, lively mood: gay spirits; gay music.
2.bright or showy: gay colors; gay ornaments.
3.given to or abounding in social or other pleasures: a gay social season.

In simple Engrish, gay means happy......... The uncle in the coffeshop would say..... "call you happy, you get angry, call you unhappy; also you get angry..... make up your bloody mind, Singaporeans!!"

Be reminded that gay is not a bad word. Its a word to express feelings.... not abusing the private parts. Pink is not a bad colour, its just bring out the softness in you. Since girls like Pink, its ok for guys to wear pink once awhile. Like I said, "once a while"..... too many pinks may land you in the wrong park.....

With that, have a great week ahead, Don't Worry, Be Gay.......

1 comment:

Adminstrator said...

gloria GAYnor...

"first be a woman..."
