Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I've been surfing the net and reading about numerous organizations and associations trying to get petitions from people all over the world to boycott the Olympics. Some had started the action since 2002. 6 years later, the 2008 Beijing Olympics will still go on. Seriously, as much as we talk about it, feeling concern and stuff..... how many really bother....???

Top 10 Reasons for a Boycott of the 2008 Olympics

10 Repression of religious groups like the Falun Gong (freedom of religion is an important human right)

9 censorship & imprisonment of journalists, cyber-dissidents and press freedom activists (how can there be justice in a state without watch dogs free to speak out)

8 child, prison & sweatshop labour (we wonder how we can buy stuff so cheaply)

7 slaughter of endangered species & government sponsored slaughter of domesticated animals (time's running out for several endangered species)

6 ongoing human rights violations use of the death penalty (maybe we can re-use this one to address future bids by the USA)

5 catastrophic pollution (16 of the world’s top 20 most polluted cities are in China)

4 defective and dangerous products (if price is the bottom line ... but maybe consumers are rethinking that)

3 cultural genocide in Tibet (There's been a call on a general boycott of China for it's actions in Tibet since 2002)

2 genocide in Darfur over Oil (it's already come up this year in France's presidential elections)

1 Support for the Burma regime (who else is there who can quickly pressure the Burmese military to stop the persecution of their people?)

Now, the idea of boycotting the games isn't new. Lots of people have been talking about it in the news, especially in reference to Burma & Darfur. However as much as people talk about it, there is a feeling that it is useless because the Chinese leadership won't listen (they are pretty used to hearing criticisms I'm sure). I wanted to list 10 targets that would be more receptive to public pressure. Perhaps if some of the groups outraged at the policies and practices of the Chinese leadership coordinated their efforts they might be able to pressure key organizations/individuals to make the above issues a priority.

Apart from all these, we really have to accept the fact that the decision makers are the ones gonna gain from having the Olympics to go on. Have we ever wonder what amount of money is involved...??? You don't wanna know coz its extremely obscene..... talking about obscenity, do you know how many times the Olympic Council went back to China for the past 8 years? Reasons were, they had to monitor the economic structure, sports facilities planning, organization structuring and training, bla, bla, bla.......

The truth is..... they lived like King Xerxes..... women, money, women, houses, fur, women, slaves, women. Some asked, what about the female council members. Female council members only in China 3 times if the past 8 years!

If you wondering how I would know all these..... In my line of business, sometimes you'll here outrageous stories.

Like said..... the stories could be outrageously made up to make you boycott the Olympics......

(if you smart enough to read this post, you're smart enough to decide)


We better start thinking when we shop for cheap stuffs. Be a cheapskate and violate human/animal rights...... or pay for quality and help support to diminish poverty.....

1 comment:

Adminstrator said...