Tuesday, January 15, 2008

WARNING!!!!! ......This is a gruesome video of the China Fur Industry. Not suitable for minors and some adults.

This video also proves the state of the human's ignorant mind. Call it uncivilised, inhumane, barbaric, etc..... is it only China or also other parts of the world. Long ago, I used to joke about China saying, "WHAT EVER MOVE, THEY EAT; WHATEVER RUN, THEY BET..." - apparently, its not funny anymore. It's just cruel.

I don't understand why they have to skin the animals alive. I may be stupid, but this is beyond stupidity!!

Once again, its not only the people in China... its the state of the human mind. Some where in the world, there are humans doing the same thing to other humans......

Btw, I prefer skin than fur......;)


Adminstrator said...

I can't watch it... it's fucking sick! I hope when these motherfuckers (the china bastards) die, they go to hell and be skined alive 6 millions times over! fucking sick!!!

Les said...

cat, dogs, racoon...eh the japs are like that also, but with dolphin meat. it sucks to watch.

Adminstrator said...

asians suck. period!

Adminstrator said...

btw, i'm not like PURE asian... not even fully human... 1/4 demon, 1/4 extra-terrestrial, 1/4 f**king bastard and 1/4 half-f**k human.

Faz said...

Bro, this is so disturbing, being an animal lover I actually cried watching it. Goddamn the fucking bastard who were skinning the animals. Oh wow this is shitty... and all the while we live blissfully ignorant.